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What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram

September 2, 2024

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Ever spent hours curating the perfect Instagram post only to hit “share” and hear... crickets? Yeah, we've all been there. Turns out, timing is everything when it comes to getting those likes, comments, and shares on Instagram. Whether you're an influencer, small business owner, or just someone looking to maximize engagement, knowing when to post can make all the difference.

In this guide, we’ll break down the best times to post on Instagram, not only by day but also by niche and industry. So buckle up, because your Insta game is about to get a serious upgrade!

Why Timing Your Instagram Posts Matters

Instagram has over 2 billion active users, and the platform is buzzing 24/7. But guess what? If you’re posting at the wrong time, your content could get buried faster than you can say “double-tap.”

Here’s the kicker: Instagram’s algorithm is designed to prioritize engagement, meaning the more interaction your post gets in the first few hours, the more likely it is to be shown to others. So, if you’re posting when your audience is asleep or busy, you’re missing out on major opportunities to boost your visibility.

Now, let’s dive into when you should actually be posting.

Best Overall Times to Post on Instagram

African American man holding and using his cellphone to browse the internet

Let's be honest, you don't have all day to analyze the best times to post on Instagram day by day. So, here's the simplified version of optimal posting times on Instagram.

Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 12 PM

Mid-morning is Instagram’s sweet spot. People are either just starting their day or taking a break, and scrolling through Instagram is their go-to distraction. Think about it: A quick scroll with coffee? Ideal. Posting between 9 AM to 12 PM gives your audience the perfect window to engage with your content.

Weekends: 10 AM to 1 PM

The weekend is a bit trickier. Engagement tends to dip as people unplug, but if you catch them in the morning, you’ve still got a shot. Saturday and Sunday mornings, from 10 AM to 1 PM, are prime for reaching those laid-back weekend scrollers.

Day-by-Day Breakdown of Instagram Posting

If you want to learn more


Best Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Why: Mondays mean people are shaking off the weekend and diving back into their routines, which often includes checking their social feeds for some Monday motivation.


Best Time: 9 AM to 11 AM
Why: Tuesday is engagement gold. People are fully into their workweek, but they’re also looking for some light distraction. Take advantage of this prime time to drop your most important posts.


Best Time: 10 AM to 12 PM
Why: By Wednesday, people are deep into the grind. A quick scroll through Instagram can be the perfect break. Post something mid-morning to catch them during their mini-escape from work.


Best Time: 11 AM to 1 PM
Why: The weekend is just around the corner, and people are feeling it. This is a great time to post lighter, fun content like memes or casual behind-the-scenes looks.


Best Time: 12 PM to 3 PM
Why: By Friday afternoon, everyone is winding down and more than ready for the weekend. This is when people check Instagram the most, so post something that encourages interaction, like a poll or a fun question.


Best Time: 10 AM to 12 PM
Why: The weekend is finally here! While overall engagement is lower on Saturdays, mornings still see a decent amount of activity. Post something relaxed or weekend-oriented to match the mood.


Best Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Why: Sundays are all about reflection and prep for the week ahead. Inspirational content or previews of what’s to come works best in these quiet hours.

Best Posting Times by Industry

A female waitress in an apron

Now that we covered general optimal times to post on Instagram, we can proceed with your spesific niche. Remember, every industry is uniuqe and so your audience.

Fashion & Lifestyle: Trendy and Timely

Best Time: Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM to 12 PM
Why: Weekends are when people are planning outfits, catching up on lifestyle content, or just getting inspired. Whether it's an #OOTD (Outfit of the Day) post or some lifestyle tips, mornings on the weekend are golden.

Food & Restaurants: When Hunger Strikes

Best Time: Friday and Saturday, 1 PM to 4 PM
Why: People are gearing up for weekend meals, and your mouth-watering food posts will hit the spot just in time for lunch or dinner plans.

Fitness & Health: Early Birds Get the Gains

Best Time: Monday to Friday, 6 AM to 9 AM
Why: The early morning crew is serious about their fitness goals. Posting health tips, workout routines, or gym motivation at the crack of dawn ensures you reach them right when they need that extra push.

Retail & E-Commerce: The Shopping Window

Best Time: Monday to Friday, 12 PM to 3 PM
Why: Midday shoppers are just waiting to browse through your latest products. Posts featuring deals, new arrivals, or promotions work best during this lunch break window.

Travel & Adventure: Weekend Wanderlust

Best Time: Saturday and Sunday, 10 AM to 1 PM
Why: On the weekends, people are either traveling or dreaming of their next getaway. Inspire them with breathtaking views or travel tips, and make sure to post when they’re looking for that perfect escape.

Pro Tips for Instagram Success

Posting on right times aren't enough to achieve success on Instagram. You also need to know about the best practices for your social media strategy. Here are some tips for achieving social media success:

  • Use Stories: Instagram Stories are a great way to stay on top of people’s feeds, even if your posts get lost in the shuffle. Plus, you can post multiple times a day without overwhelming your audience.

  • Check Your Analytics: Instagram’s built-in analytics tool (available with business accounts) will tell you when your followers are most active. Use this data to refine your posting schedule even further.

  • Engage, Engage, Engage: It’s not just about posting at the right time—it’s about being active! Respond to comments and engage with your followers to keep the momentum going.

  • Use AI Tools: If you don't have enough time to manage your social media account or have a low budget, try using social media management tools like Stockimg Social.

You can learn more about Stockimg Social here!

Wrapping It Up: Timing Is Everything

Posting at the right time on Instagram can be the difference between your post being seen or lost in the endless scroll. The right timing helps you maximize engagement and get your content in front of the right people at the right moment.

Whether you're posting a stunning fashion shot, a motivational Monday quote, or mouth-watering food content, getting the timing down is half the battle. Experiment with different times, track your results, and don’t forget to use tools like Instagram Insights to figure out when your audience is most active.

And hey, if all this timing stuff feels like rocket science, there’s always a simpler solution: try Stockimg Social! With its AI-powered scheduling tools, you can automatically post content at the optimal time, taking the guesswork out of Instagram entirely.

Author: Yağız Şimşek


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