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How to Appear on the Instagram Explore Page [Full Guide for 2024]

August 21, 2024

cool girl

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Instagram Reels—love them or hate them, you can’t ignore them. If you've ever scrolled through Reels for “just five minutes,” only to look up and realize an hour has passed, you’re not alone.

In 2024, these bite-sized videos are the golden ticket to grabbing attention, growing your audience, and (if you’re lucky) going viral. But creating trendy, engaging Reels isn’t magic—it’s a mix of creativity, timing, and a little bit of strategy.

Whether you’re looking to boost your follower count or just want to have some fun with your content, this guide is packed with everything you need to know to stay ahead of the game.

So, buckle up and get ready to master the art of creating short content that your followers won’t just watch—they’ll want to share.

Understanding How Instagram Reels Work

another cool girl but thinking

Instagram’s Reel Algorithm: It’s a Mystery—But We’ve Got Clues

Instagram’s algorithm is like a treasure map with half the clues missing. You might not fully understand it, but by following some clear markers, you can uncover its secrets. Instagram’s algorithm loves engagement—the more people interact with your content, the more likely it is to show up in people’s feeds.

Engagement is key. If your video gets liked, commented on, or shared, Instagram takes it as a signal that people love your content. And, content that keeps people watching (think short, punchy Reels) gets extra points.

Basically, aim for content that people want to re-watch or interact with—and no, just showing your cat won't always cut it (though, to be fair, it does help).

Trends are like the cool kids in school—everyone wants to be part of their group. When a trend takes off, jumping on it at the right time can help you ride the wave to viral success. Trends on Instagram change faster than you can say "new filter," so staying updated is crucial.

Trending sounds, transitions, and effects will continue to dominate Reels. But don't just copy others—add your personal twist! If everyone is doing a dance challenge, maybe you bring your dog into the mix. (Because who can resist a dancing dog?)

Optimize Your Content for the Algorithm

girl with wrench

Engagement is Key: Create Content People Want to Share

The secret to appearing in more feeds? Engagement. Instagram loves it when users interact with your content, and today will be no different. Likes, comments, and shares are all valuable, but don't forget about saves—Instagram sees saved posts as super important, meaning people want to come back to your content later. Think about creating tutorials, funny clips, or even motivational content that people will save for when they need that extra boost.

Call to action: Want to bump up those comments? Ask a question in your video or caption. Something as simple as, “What’s your go-to morning hack?” can get people typing. Just don’t ask them what their favorite pizza topping is. The pepperoni vs. pineapple debate can really get out of hand.

Timing Your Posts: Post When the World is Awake (And Scrolling)

If you post a Reel and no one’s online to see it, did it even happen? Timing is everything. Instagram’s algorithm tends to favor content that gets engagement quickly after being posted, so aim for times when your audience is most active. Pro tip: early mornings and evenings tend to be the best times. Use tools like Stockimg Social to figure out when your followers are scrolling—then hit them with your best stuff.

  • Best times to post:
    • Early mornings (7-9 AM)
    • Evenings (7-10 PM)
    • Mid-afternoon for a quick pick-me-up (2-4 PM)

a man holding instagram DO NOT DROP IT

Instagram Reels: Your Shortcut to the Explore Page

If there’s one feature you should prioritize, it the short video content. They are like front-row seats to the algorithm show—they take up more space on the Explore page and are pushed heavily by Instagram.

For maximum impact, focus on creating fun, engaging, and bite-sized content that hooks your audience in the first few seconds. Think about fast-paced transitions, catchy tunes, and short snippets that leave viewers wanting more.

But remember: no one wants to see you lip-syncing the same 10-second sound clip for the fifth time in a row. Switch it up, get creative, and make sure your Reels tell a story (even if that story is about why you can never find a matching pair of socks).

Carousels may not be as flashy as Reels, but they’re secretly one of the best ways to boost engagement. Why? Because they encourage users to swipe through multiple slides, which tells Instagram that people are sticking around to view your content.

Use carousels to share tutorials, tell a story, or even post a before-and-after reveal. The more engaging your content, the higher the chance it’ll be promoted on the Explore page.

  • Creative ideas for carousels:
    • Step-by-step guides (how to bake the perfect cookie!)
    • Behind-the-scenes shots from a project
    • Transformational before-and-after stories (whether it’s a room makeover or a fitness journey)

Use Strategic Hashtags and Keywords

thats him. that is the guy who sold the world

Hashtags Still Matter—Use Them Wisely

Hashtags are the glue that holds Instagram posts together—or at least, that’s how the algorithm sees it. And, hashtags will continue to help categorize your content, making it easier for new viewers to find you.

But don’t go overboard! Instagram’s algorithm is smarter than ever, so spamming your post with 30 irrelevant hashtags won’t help. Stick to 9-12 highly relevant hashtags to keep your content targeted and discoverable.

Caption and Keyword Optimization

Instagram is stepping up its search game. Now, captions are searchable too! This means that the right keywords in your captions can help your post show up in more searches. Be sure to use descriptive, relevant keywords in your captions—but don't sound like a robot. No one wants to read a caption that feels like a shopping list of search terms.

Collaborate with Creators and Brands

not milkshake

Partnering for Increased Exposure

Want to supercharge your growth? Collaborate with other creators and brands. When you team up with someone who already has a following, you get exposure to a whole new audience. It’s like making friends with the popular kid in school—suddenly, everyone knows your name.

But the key is finding collaborations that make sense for your niche. If you’re into fitness, team up with another fitness influencer. If your niche is photography, partner with a brand that sells camera gear.

User-Generated Content (UGC): Get Your Followers Involved

What’s better than making your own content? Having your followers do it for you. User-generated content is like free advertising—your audience gets to show off, and you get engagement. Encourage followers to create content for you, whether it’s through contests, giveaways, or simply sharing their stories. Just remember to give them a shoutout when they do—because nothing builds loyalty like recognition.

Engage with Your Audience

i didnt know what to put in here

Respond to Comments and Messages

You know that feeling when someone you admire replies to your comment? Instant dopamine boost. Building a loyal following means taking the time to engage with your audience. Respond to comments on under your videos, answer DMs, and show your followers that you care.

The more you interact, the more Instagram will see that people are interested in what you’re posting. It’s like a snowball effect—engagement leads to more engagement.

Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Give Your Viewers Something to Do

Don’t leave your audience hanging. If you want more engagement, ask for it! Call-to-actions (CTAs) are a simple but effective way to encourage interaction. Whether you ask people to comment, share, or answer a question, make sure your CTA is clear and easy to follow. Just be careful with what you ask—requesting “Tell me your deepest secret” might get awkward real fast.

Run Contests and Giveaways


Boost Engagement Through Giveaways

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Running a giveaway is one of the best ways to boost engagement and visibility. Contests that encourage sharing, tagging, and commenting will help push your content to the top of the feed. The trick is to offer something valuable to your audience—whether it’s a product, a free consultation, or a shoutout on your page. The more people participate, the more likely you are to get noticed by Instagram’s algorithm.

Best Practices for Giveaways

  • Keep it simple: Don’t make the rules too complicated. Asking for a like, comment, and follow is often enough.
  • Set a deadline: A sense of urgency can get people excited. Make sure your giveaway ends within a week to keep momentum going.
  • Announce the winner publicly: This shows transparency and builds trust with your followers.

Final Thoughts

And that’s your roadmap to creating Instagram Posts that are not only trendy but also engaging and fun! The world of social media can feel overwhelming at first, but the secret sauce is to keep experimenting and stay authentic to your own style.

Don’t just chase trends—make them your own, and your audience will love it. Whether your goal is to grow your followers, increase engagement, or just have a good time creating content, remember: it's all about consistency, creativity, and a bit of trial and error.

So grab your phone, start filming, and who knows? Your next post might just be the one that takes you to Insta fame!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are Instagram Reels and why should I create them?

Instagram Reels are short, engaging videos that can last up to 90 seconds. They’re one of the most popular features on the platform because they allow users to express creativity, reach new audiences, and go viral. Instagram is prioritizing Reels in its algorithm, meaning Reels are more likely to be seen by a broader audience compared to regular posts or stories.

What types of content work best for Reels?

Content that is entertaining, informative, or inspiring tends to perform well. Whether you’re sharing quick tips, showcasing your skills, or jumping on a trending challenge, the key is to keep it engaging and relevant to your audience. Remember, Reels should capture attention quickly, so start strong!

What’s the best way to get more views on my Reels?

Engagement is key! Create eye-catching content that encourages viewers to like, comment, and share. Post at times when your audience is most active, and use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability. Consistently interacting with your followers and collaborating with other creators can also boost your visibility.

How often should I post Instagram Reels?

Posting Reels 2-3 times a week is a good starting point. Consistency helps keep your audience engaged and signals to Instagram's algorithm that you're an active creator. Balance quality and quantity—don’t just post for the sake of it; make sure each Reel offers something valuable to your viewers.

To stay on top of trends, keep an eye on the Reels that are gaining traction within your niche. You can also check the Explore page, follow popular creators, and use trend tracking tools. Engaging with current trends is a great way to increase your chances of your Reels being seen by a larger audience.

How can I use hashtags effectively in Reels?

Use 9-12 relevant hashtags that are specific to your content and audience. Avoid overloading your posts with too many hashtags. Instead, focus on those that will help categorize your content and reach users interested in similar topics.

Author: Yağız Şimşek


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